Re: Lead Alto
Well first of all it would be good to know what formats these bands are. For example, a lead alto in a more professional band would be in charge or the alto and possibly entire sax section, or even the band. There are many variations on this, and then there are other, less effective styles, like my high school jazz band. We do not have section leaders, but even if leads were identified, they have no more responsibility than the rest of us. I do not reccomend this as organization is lacking. I will therefore assume that in your bands, being a lead means you actually lead the section. In this case there are a few things to remember.
First of all, it is good that you can be heard over the band, but you also need to be able to blend well together. Each of these skills are important, depending on the situation.
Second of all, learn your part better than anyone else, that way, if anyone is confused, they can listen to you and mimic your style, thus creating a uniform sound.
Now for actual leadership qualities.
When leading people, dont get a big head. People will listen to you more if you dont order them around but wrather help them and give your imput while taking theirs. The best leaders are those who lead by example, and not by an iron fist.
So, to be a leader, treat everyone with respect, no matter how they treat you. Know your music. Add your voice to the ensamble, and dont stand out obviously unless it is called for. Those are some of the basics for you.
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