Saxophone Forum

by MasonBarrels
(1 post)
6 years ago

Is this repairable and how? How much would it cost?

Hi everyone! I'm a new member to this website and I was wanting to see if anyone could answer my question. I'm a musician in high school right now and I am ready to buy my first sax. There's a Cannonball hotspur tenor I've been looking at and the owner says it plays perfectly, there's just a lot of stuff needing to be cleaned. From the looks of it, the exterior bell is pretty spotted with green stuff in lots of places and on the keys and rods. There's quite a bit of it. I can't see the inside of the sax from the pictures but it looks like there's probably green stuff in there as well. It's not an old hotspur either, it's a recent Stone Series model. Is there a way to take this off, and how much would it cost? Will it corrode the sax? Should I make the purchase? Thank you in advance! If you want pictures I might be able to crop the photos to show where the green stuff is.

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  1. by mijderf
    (282 posts)

    6 years ago

    Re: Is this repairable and how? How much would it cost?

    I think we would need to see photos, but it sounds like corrosion.  If this were an old Mark VI or 10M or such, I could understand maybe purchasing a horn that has some corrosion.  But the Cannonball is a Taiwanese horn, and there are so many good used Taiwanese horns available, that I would not buy one that might have corrosion.

    I don't know your budget, but here is one possibility:

    Here is a second one: 

    Oh, and a third possibility (for a little more price):

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  2. by yonysatur
    (10 posts)

    6 years ago

    Re: Is this repairable and how? How much would it cost?

    It seems like those green spots are lacquer loose due to a little gastric accid expulcion from the seller or previus player not because the sax model or brand name. I personally have being traveling  to USA Europe, Central and South America for about 25 years with latin bands and i have a sax specialist in NYC, This is a person who really care about sax players mouthpiece and their instruments. Is a person who pass thrue a serious situation with his career as sax player but had the logic sence an level of understand the medicine and technology world, enough to understand how the organisim work in communicacion with the instrument and how the instrument must be to help the players show up their best performance. There is no many tech with information on that direction.This gentleman should help you with any thing related to saxophones. " Good but good".

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  3. by RyanCannonball
    (45 posts)

    6 years ago

    Re: Is this repairable and how? How much would it cost?

    Hi Mason,

    The Hotspur has a satin silver plated bell, and if the sax is pretty new then it's probably because the owner simply hasn't cleaned it so it's dirty and tarnished. If that's the case, it should be pretty easy to remove and polish up.

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