Saxophone Forum

by sterling77
(2 posts)
6 years ago

I need some advice for getting through a practice drought.

I have been an avid musician all through high school and have made all-state and such. The summer before college I had stopped practicing regularly to focus on working and preparing for college (I'm a music minor, Biology major.) I've joined my school's jazz band and plan to continue but whenever I practice I feel unproductive, like I lost that progress that I made in high school. Nothing seems to get done in the practice room.

What's the best way to get back into a regular routine, especially since I no longer practice in the comfort of my own home? I've asked many and have gotten vague, off-topic answers :/.

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  1. by historicsaxwhisperer
    (644 posts)

    6 years ago

    Re: I need some advice for getting through a practice drought.

    You have to have a plan and goals.

    It doesnt matter if you play saxophone, basketball, or gin rummy.

    Plan out your proactice. What you want to accomplish. What are you working on for the purpose of improving.

    Baby Steps. Dont expect the world in one session.

    Practice where you can concentrate.

    Use a metronome.

    Before you know it, practice will become satisfying.

    Good Luck

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  2. by sterling77
    (2 posts)

    6 years ago

    Re: I need some advice for getting through a practice drought.

    I have been an avid musician all through high school and have made all-state and such. The summer before college free netflix I had stopped practicing regularly to focus on working and preparing for college (I'm a music minor, Biology major.) I've joined tech news my school's jazz band and plan to continue but whenever I practice I feel unproductive, like I lost that progress that I made in high school. Nothing seems to get done in the practice room.

    What's the best way to get back into a regular routine, android 9 especially since I no longer practice in the comfort of my own home? I've asked many and have gotten vague, off-topic answers :/.

    __________________________________________________Thank you my issue has been solved. 

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