Saxophone Forum

by Guinness27
(1 post)
6 years ago

Cannonball Tenor High G

Hello, I've been having issues with my tenor saxophones high G. This ouccurs randomly but sometime when I blow into the horn while playing the high G it squeaks instantly. I've talked to other players that are more experienced then me and they say that the problem is, is that it is a Cannonball and that all of them have this issue. I was hoping someone could help me figure out the issue, either it be a simple fix to the instrument or something else. Thanks!

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  1. by mijderf
    (282 posts)

    6 years ago

    Re: Cannonball Tenor High G

    Hi G can always be a bit tricky on saxophones, because it is the first note that uses the body pip octave key instead of the neck octave key.  Here are some things you can check.
    1.  Does it squeak more often when you are going from A to G or from F to G in the upper register.  If A to G is more of a problem, pay attention to the timing of when the body octave pip opens and the neck octave pip closes.  These actions need to happen fully and at the same time.  If the neck key is even slightly open, you will squeak.  You can try holding down the neck octave key with your right hand and tongue high G (G2) repeatedly and see if you squeak.
    2.  If you still squeak while holding down the neck octave key, you may have a leak in the octave keys or even somewhere else in the left hand area.  For this, you should consult a repair technician.
    3.  Perhaps the body octave pip hole is partly blocked with dirt, etc.  Sometime you can bend a pipe cleaner and work it into the body pip hole and clean it.
    4.  Finally, sometimes your reed selection/embouchure can result in this problem.  If this is the problem, you may need to go back to fundamentals or seek an instructor.

    The only answer I don't like is that Cannonballs all have this issue.  These urban legends are not helpful, and are not deserved.  It is almost shocking how many experienced players are fairly clueless about how a horn actually works.

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  2. by yonysatur
    (10 posts)

    6 years ago

    Re: Cannonball Tenor High G

    This is happening with any modern horn no matter name, price and/or color. That issue happend because after  Selmer Mark VI manufacturers are being making copies over copies of that specific model without kipping in mind the olayers need. That is one of the simple issues but  fixable.Visit mendelsax and read the biography and the servise page of this repairmen. This is the genius of saxophones in NYC. This gentleman understand how re-design any saxophone and build up a real one. Your sax problem should come from other direction tha the "G". On modern horns the manufactures made a exellent design but the crew on padding, alignment, shync, and acctiont team don't understand the players need no matter their level. Visit this person and as me,  you will laugh every time you pickup yor instrument and fill like you are singing over it.    

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