Saxophone Forum

by mercute
(2 posts)
5 years ago

Vintage Conn tenor designed for marching bands

hi all, I have recently come by a vintage Conn tenor sax with the following numbers:
My repair man tells me this was an instrument designed for a marching band, and is of a high pitch and therefore not able to be played in a concert band.
Can anyone throw some light on this, and Can it be adapted, or does this 77 year old have to join a Seniors Band?
Thanks in advance,

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  1. by historicsaxwhisperer
    (644 posts)

    5 years ago

    Re: Vintage Conn tenor designed for marching bands

    High pitch is an ancient tuning. Instread of it being tuned to A=440, it is like A=456, or somewhere in there. It was a European thing in the day. Like when cassette taped had both VHS and BETA. VHS finally wone out.


    All music scores are A=440. You will be out of tune.

    A fun joke to play on your director is about all  you will be able to get out of it.


    Sorry for the info. I am sure its a great old horn. You could try using a mothpiece pulled way out and try lippiing it into tune. This is probably not something a beginner could pull off, so Enjoy your out of tune tenor!


    Good Luck.

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    1. by mercute
      (2 posts)

      5 years ago

      Re: Vintage Conn tenor designed for marching bands

      Thank you for the advice. I'll keep looking for a more modern horn.

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