Saxophone Forum

by historicsaxwhisperer
(644 posts)
5 years ago

80 years ago this Month, it all started

80 years ago, Coleman Hawkins recoded Body and Soul.

This recording changed the path of history.

Everybody wanted to play like that. Selmer and Otto Link gained tremendous fame and popularity from this single recording. The seed was planted for what would become the legendary accepted outfit for the Jazz Tenor Saxophonist.

So, when you wonder when the American saxophone market changed, when the players tried the Selmers and found them superior, the year was 1939. Everybody wanted to play like the Hawk.

You cant change history. He was the American Invasion on the English Market.

In 1967, the English Invasion came to the American Market.

On A Really Big Shooooo

My thoughts for the day.

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