Saxophone Forum

by Ledwyn
(1 post)
5 years ago

Info on my Conn Tenor

Hi - can anyone tell me anything about my Conn Elkhart tenor - T (above) M239383 and below that L.  I have played the instrument for 45 years and its still going strong....any value idea? 
Regards Ledwyn

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  1. by historicsaxwhisperer
    (644 posts)

    5 years ago

    Re: Info on my Conn Tenor

    In the upper left corner of this page there is a tab that says Saxophone Museum. That is a museum of saxophones. Then there are tabs with various makers names. And there is a serial number list. Then there are pictures of saxophones based on the serial numbers. Then you look at saxophones for sale in simialar condition. That lets you know what people are asking for them. Then ask yourself if you would take that amount for your saxophone.....

    If so, that is what it is worth.

    I would assume if your horn is still going strong, it is not for sale, so the value is redundant.

    Value is around 1750, in my opinion.

    Everybody has an opinion.

    Yours is the only one that matters.

    Good Luck

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