Saxophone Forum

by jguebara98
(1 post)
5 years ago

I dropped my Selmer Mark Vi

  • Im not sure what is wrong with me but someone please help Im in pure shock right now. After the drop i looked at it and saw only three parts damaged; the low C key was dented in and the cover over the key is bent. there is also a large dent on the bel and a small one under the thumb rest for the octave key. I tried playing it, the g key is sticky and middle/low f, e , and d arent coming out and of course the low c. 
  • Can this be fixed? if it can will it be the same?
  • does anyone know someone who can do a good job and fix this horn in southern california?

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  1. by historicsaxwhisperer
    (644 posts)

    5 years ago

    Re: I dropped my Selmer Mark Vi

    We ususally see this sort of damage from a 5 th grader.

    It can be fixed.Not that big of a deal....

    But, Man up and get it done right if you are so concerned.

    Saxquest in St Louis.

    Tenor Madness in Iowa

    PM Winds in Chicago

    USA horn in New York.

    I am sure there is someone in southern CA

    Just expect to pay $400 or more. The bell being realigned and the dents will leave some scaring. To get the bell at its best will require a good tech. The bell rim, which is just cosmetic, is the majority of the work.

    But will play better than before it was dropped.

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