Saxophone Forum

by Skibot980
(1 post)
4 years ago

Found this part off my sax, I don't know where from though...

I have a Horn 88 Alto and I took the retainer off from the back side of the saxophone that held the bell and the main body together in order to full access the F key mechanism, this mean unscrewing this part and while I was doing it I found this part on the table - which wasn't there before. Ive looked all over my saxophone to find where it might go but still haven't been able to find it. The retainer went back perfectly fine but I still can't seem to find where this piece goes... Ive attached some images with size referances too.

Thank you in advance.

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  1. by historicsaxwhisperer
    (644 posts)

    4 years ago

    Re: Found this part off my sax, I don't know where from though...

    I have repaired saxophones for many years. I dont think that is part of your saxophone. Possibly a retainer screw for a rovner type ligature,  or something from an accessory, like a reed trimmer.

    Unless you see similar thumb screw type touches on the cage retainer screws, I think you are fine.

    Good Luck

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