Saxophone Forum

by georgeefesop
(1 post)
4 years ago

SaxSeat - A Smart New Saxophone Seat

Hello all sax players!

My name's George and I want to take a second to introduce you to something new to the saxophone world. The SaxSeat - For more details and to join our Kickstarter visit

First, a little backstory. My uncle Kostas Efesopoulos has been a saxophone player for over 30 years and he's also an experienced metalworker. Over his time playing he experienced what I'm sure many of you have experienced as well, an ache in his back that was increasing over time from the strain of playing the sax for so long.

It began to bother him so much, he decided to build a chair for himself that would allow him to comfortably sit and play the sax whilst also having the weight of the instrument supported.

Well he loved it. It's worked wonders for him, so we've decided to brand it and bring it to market so we can share this new tool with all sax players all over the world.

Suffice to say we've improved it a lot from the original designs:

• The 'instrument arm' is now fully adjustable to fit all sizes of sax ( It even fits tubas ).

• The arm also rotates so you can play from a front or side position.

• The seat is thick and cushioned so you can practice comfortably for hours.

• The 'instrument cup' has been redesigned over and over so the sax sits securely at all times

• The list goes on, check out our website for more details. (


As I mentioned before we're running a kickstarter (crowd funding) campaign for this at the moment and we'd really appreciate any support from anyone in the community that believes they would benefit from it.

We have a great deal on at the kickstarter at the moment where the early bird backers will be able to get one starting from £205 (as opposed to £300+ RRP when we release it later)

So If you're interested in supporting us on kickstarter and getting your hands on one of the first SaxSeats I'd recommend heading over to the SaxSeat Kickstarter page and taking a look



Thanks so much for your time

If anyone has any questions or comments about it I'm also happy to answer as many as I can. If anyone would like to discuss anything further in private, you can reach me at [email protected]


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