Saxophone Forum

by Alexbancas
(4 posts)
4 years ago

Which saxophone should i buy?

Hi, im a beggginer but im searching for a good saxophone, i found 4 that caught my eye, one is a buescher aristocrat, the other is a bundy 2, a bundy, and a very old buescher true tone from 1922.

personally i like the how the buescher true tone looks but i've never played saxophone so i don't know what im taking about.

which once would you recommend, they all are in my limit budget 275 dolars.

im sorry for my grammar english is my second lenguage (im from mexico).

many thanks.

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  1. by historicsaxwhisperer
    (644 posts)

    4 years ago

    Re: Which saxophone should i buy?


    They are all the same instrument. The True tone was Bueschers premier horn. Later the Buescher Aristicrat became the Bundy. The only horn that isnt truly a buescher design is the Bundy II.

    At 275, pick the one that plays the best, or at all.

    The 1922 Buescher is made the best and has the most value.

    Good Luck

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