Saxophone Forum

by RLRoger
(2 posts)
4 years ago

Two questions on SML Strasser Marigaux alto

Hi, from info on this web site I have a Gold Medal Mk. II from 1973-74. 
I haven't played it in over 15 years and it's time to pass it on. 

First thing, anyone has an idea of how much it is to clean an alto? All the silver colored pieces are really grimy, that would be in US$. 
I could not find someone who cleaned instruments but have not tried a big store that might know or take it in. I'm also not sure if I will sell it as is or all cleaned and refreshed. 

Also how much is it worth if it was clean? 

With that info I can decide what to do. I saw one for sale but I think the price might have been high at around 4k CAD. 

Thanks for your help. 

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  1. by historicsaxwhisperer
    (644 posts)

    4 years ago

    Re: Two questions on SML Strasser Marigaux alto

    Clean and shiny has nothing what so ever to do with its value. If you intend on selling it, let the purchaser make that decision. It is not jewelry if you are a musician.

    A true musician will be buying it. They are great instruments.

    If the pads seal nicely, are not rotted out or dried out, just send it to a technician for some minor work and sell it as it. Polishing just removes some of the silver and makes the scratches show more easily.


    That is my one sided imnput.

    Good Luck

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    1. by RLRoger
      (2 posts)

      4 years ago

      Re: Two questions on SML Strasser Marigaux alto

      It's not jewelry? you hang it off your neck don't you?  Just joking.
      Thanks for the input. I will look around online to see if I can find some.
      I know guitars better and many are sold at rediculous prices so not knowing about saxophones makes it harder to figure out a sensible price, especially when I will likely not find enough for sale to give me an idea.
      Worst case, I'll start with something I think makes sense and take it down if it does not sell. 

      At the same time for people with money that are not that good musicians, shiny is nicer than grimmy, but I guess it would not look as good as new...

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