Saxophone Forum

by benediniz
(2 posts)
4 years ago

Help identifying a vintage saxophone.

Hey everyone,
I'm am a former trumpet player and now I aspire to learn alto Sax. Searching for a instrument to buy I came around this vintage sax. Althought the lacquer is in very bad condition so its difficult for me to indentufy the brand. Could you help indentify it? 
Thanks, guys.

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  1. by historicsaxwhisperer
    (644 posts)

    4 years ago

    Re: Help identifying a vintage saxophone.

    In my opinion, it resembles Buescher. Maybe a stencil. Maybe made by Buescher with a different  company name engraved on the bell. It does have the high front F.

    Maybe an early Bundy where there was a sticker label instead of engraving?

    That was a late buescher by design.

    Any numbers by the thumb rest?

    Good Luck

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