Saxophone Forum

by historicsaxwhisperer
(644 posts)
4 years ago

Vintage Nickel Finished Saxophones

Was C. G. Conn the only one of the top 5 sax companys, in the 20s till their eventual departure from the market, that produced a Nickel plated horn? I know Conn had the marching band "industry" and the nickel does a better "Wipe down" in the rain. At least that is some of the brass player's opinions. Any thoughts out there?

Conn, Buescher, Martin, King, and Holton.....

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  1. by GFC
    (842 posts)

    4 years ago

    Re: Vintage Nickel Finished Saxophones

    On the photo search tree at the final choice is for finishes.  If you find a nickel branch (twig?) the answer is yes, although the absence of one doesn't preclude the existence of nickel horns from that manufacturer.

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    1. by historicsaxwhisperer
      (644 posts)

      4 years ago

      Re: Vintage Nickel Finished Saxophones

      Thank you for the suggestion to review

      I sort of forgot there are a few rare exceptions such as the colored versions that are extremely rare.
      My question was more that I just realized I only have worked on Conn nickel plated horns, so in general, the other manufacturers did not do this as a standard choice.

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