Saxophone Forum

by AnthonyJames
(1 post)
4 years ago

What saxophone should i buy as a beginner?

Good morning,
Saxophone is a musical instrument that is probably not unfamiliar to many people. And for me, it's a big passion. I really like the sound the saxophone makes. That's why I took a class that taught me to play this instrument. Since I'm just starting to learn, please advise if I should buy a suitable saxophone.
Thank you very much.

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  1. by GFC
    (842 posts)

    4 years ago

    Re: What saxophone should i buy as a beginner?

    Saxophone Buyer's Guide |

    It's a long piece, but it contains a section on buying student saxophones.  Keep in mind that it's an old article, and some changes in the market have occurred since then.  Jupiter and Antigua have emerged as good brands for new student horns, although their earlier instruments were not well made.  

    If you have any questions about a specific horn you are considering, I'm sure forum members will be willing to help.

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  2. by Googalar
    (4 posts)

    4 years ago

    Re: What saxophone should i buy as a beginner?

    If price is important, take a look at It was a toss up for me between that horn and a Jean Paul AS-400. I eventually went with the as-400. Once I got it, I started looking for an online teacher. Low and behold, the guy I decided to go with sells the eastar. I would still buy from a manufacturer though. I figure there will be less hassle if the horn disappoints. I like the look, sound and engraving of the as-400, so it's all good.

    Good luck! 

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    1. by Googalar
      (4 posts)

      3 years ago

      Re: What saxophone should i buy as a beginner?

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  3. by Skylight2512
    (1 post)

    3 years ago

    Re: What saxophone should i buy as a beginner?

    DId you buy saxophone? And complete your class?




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