Saxophone Forum

by hedrron
(1 post)
9 months ago

Buescher Aristocrat Bari

I recently acquired a Buescher Aristocrat Bari sax (SN: 276316, circa 1936). The horn did not come with a neck.

I found a neck on eBay from a 1950s Aristocrat III that has the right tenon dimension, but given the 20 year difference between my sax and the donor horn, I am uneasy about pursuing that avenue.

Can anyone recommend a means to obtain a neck for this horn?

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  1. by JonHuff
    (122 posts)

    8 months ago

    Re: Buescher Aristocrat Bari

    Finding necks for vintage horns can be really hard. In our shop, we have shelves full of vintage horns that are missing necks; it's nearly always the first thing that gets lost or broken on an old sax. All you can do is keep an eye on ebay, put up want ads on all the sax-specific websites you can find, and be vigilent. Good luck on your search.

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