Saxophone Forum

by DMM
(1 post)
19 years ago

Sticky G# key

Yesterday I rented a Keilsworth Soprano sax, and i'm attempting to relearn after a 12 year hiatus. I'm finding that the G# key is sticking horribly. Is this something that I can address by tightening a screw in a rod or is this a pad issue? Any suggestions or insight would be most appricated. Thanks!

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  1. by RavenSax
    (4 posts)

    7 years ago

    Re: Sticky G# key

    I found Key Leaves stop sticky G# key pads on my soprano sax better than pad paper, cigarette paper, dollar bill tricks and everything else Iv'e tried!

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  2. by Sax Mom
    (964 posts)

    19 years ago

    Re: Sticky G# key

    It really depends on why it's sticking. Is the pad actually sticky? If so, then try to clean it with ungummed cigarette paper or a dollar bill. If that doesn't work, have the shop replace the pad. Is the tone hole sticky? Clean it with a damp cloth--then dry it. Is the tone hole rough? Ask the tech to smooth it, or try it yourself with an emery board. I wouldn't use a file, too easy to wreck the pad. Is the key bent? If so, the tech at the rental place will need to fix it. (If you try and break it, they might charge you for it.) Is the spring sprung? If so, hook it back around where it's supposed to go. Is the screw rod not all the way through the rod? Then make it so. If something is bent, don't try to bend it back, let a tech do that. It's too easy to break something that's been bent out of shape. Hope this has been helpful.

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    1. by saxtech
      (12 posts)

      19 years ago

      Re: Sticky G# key

      Yes... This is a very common problem. I have even seen new G# pads stick. Remember, the spring pressure to open this particular key (G#) is not very strong at all. Whats seems to work for me and many other pro players is to keep a small bottle of lemon oil in your case. "NOT furniture polish" but Lemon Oil. It feels oily and smells lemony. You can usually find this stuff in the furniture polish aisle. Again, NOT furniture Polish with lemon oil in it. Just Lemon Oil. Put a "small" amount on any little piece of scrap paper that you may have in your case or laying around . Pull the wet paper through between the pad and the tone hole. Depress the key slightly until you have friction on the paper as you pull it out. Use the wet side on both the pad side and the tone hole side. If your problem is not a mechanical problem in nature, then it's sure to work until the next time it sticks. So keep that small bottle of Lemon oil in your case at all times. Avoid eating or drinking anything sugary (yes... this even means alcohol, beer, soda, snickers, ect) a few hours before playing your horn. This may be what is causing your pad to stick. Gary

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      1. by Dave Dix
        (421 posts)

        19 years ago

        Re: Sticky G# key

        Use lighter fluid to clean the pad and tone hole. If its just sticky this works very well for me and saves using all that pad powder etc Dave

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        1. by SaxMan
          (559 posts)

          19 years ago

          Re: Sticky G# key

          clean the pad, then have the tech put on a reverse spring underneath the pin for the G# key - this will permanently fix any sticking problems.

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        2. by definition
          (963 posts)

          19 years ago

          Re: Sticky G# key

          SaxMan, the G# key is normally closed when not in use. If you put a reverse spring on it, it would be open all the time, which wouldnt work out. Just follow the other suggestions in this thread, they will work fine

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        3. by SaxMan
          (559 posts)

          19 years ago

          Re: Sticky G# key

          no shit. you put a spring underneath the pin on the g# pin, that never touches it until the key is depressed. Simple enough yet? probably not. just ask steve goodson, he will tell you all about it...probably even tell you he came up with the idea himself. COUGH!

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        4. by ebert
          (18 posts)

          19 years ago

          Re: Sticky G# key

          I use baby powder on applied with wax paper for sticky pads. hehe

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        5. by CajunSax
          (76 posts)

          19 years ago

          Re: Sticky G# key

          dry using a dollar bill with lemon oil...

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        6. by CajunSax
          (76 posts)

          19 years ago

          Re: Sticky G# key


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        7. by saxophonik
          (73 posts)

          19 years ago

          Re: Sticky G# key

          Ummm... have you ever seen what happens to baby powder when it gets wet?....

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        8. by KCHORNS_REPAIR
          (11 posts)

          19 years ago

          Re: Sticky G# key

          First, please don't use an emery board or a file on the tone hole and if you do the pad is the last thing you need to worry about. If you swab out the sax everytime your done playing you shouldn't have this problem. Have your technician clean the pad and tone hole then try the swab. and I think the reverse spring idea sure would make your horn hard to play without some firm finger pressure.

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