Saxophone Forum

by YanagisawA-901
(312 posts)
19 years ago

Witch -n- The Saint

Yea, i get to play it.. im happy has anyone had the oppertunity to play this song?? its amazing, its about 10 minutes long ive played a song "pilatus: mountain of dragons".. very similar.. im so excited, its going to be on our spring program, also an adjudication piece.. anyone played this piece or any rieneke piece that wants to talk bout thier experiences with them and wether or not u liked em and stuff?

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  1. by jazzina
    (18 posts)

    19 years ago

    Re: Witch -n- The Saint

    The piece is amazing and respectable... it deserves a personal touch doesn't it?

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  2. by Garrett
    (2 posts)

    19 years ago

    Re: Witch -n- The Saint

    yeah, we're doing that for our concert coming up in march. one of the coolest songs i've ever heard

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  3. by darkslide
    (1 post)

    18 years ago

    Re: Witch -n- The Saint

    This is easily the best piece I have ever played. I played this for Jan-Fest last year in my opinion it is the perfect mixture of dramatic, percussive, and lyrical rhythms I have ever seen. It may just be me but this song has like a strange calming ability; no matter what I'm doing that stresses me out, hearing just one minute of this song can easily calm my nerves. Steven Reineke is my hero! (i know a little much but it is still awesome)

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