Saxophone Forum

by ?altosax?
(3 posts)
19 years ago


I got it at an estate auction for $100. It's antique. It says American Professional on the bell. Serial number 17555 L. It's silver. It works great. I wanna know more. Any info. Is it good? What company did it come from? If it was made by American Music Co., why can't I find them online. Saw something about that company 1898-1971. Maybe it went out of business or merged. I need a collaboration of the minds. I'm totally clueless. HELP. James

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  1. by nad1rn
    (37 posts)

    19 years ago

    Re: AMERICAN PROFESSIONAL ALTO SAX?? Got any knowledge

    I have no clue, but If I were you, i'd post this in the Jazz Forum too...

    Reply To Post AIM

    1. by saxophonik
      (73 posts)

      19 years ago

      Re: AMERICAN PROFESSIONAL ALTO SAX?? Got any knowledge

      Sorry, but I'm not familiar with your horn. Actually, you'd probably get the most info from the Vintage or General forums. Good Luck

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