Re: obtaining replacement parts
I didn't say I found it 'perplexing' I said I found it hard to use. What you refer to as simple design is actually cheap design. As a software designer for more than 20 years, I feel fully qualified to state such an opinion.
As someone who's interacted and seen perhaps thousands of merchant related sites, and who's seen the difference between cheap, poorly designed sites, or expensive, overly-designed messes, I think I'm fully qualified to comment on any website or critisism involving such.
If you were to spend a few years studying software architecture, you might understand the the subtle difference and your unsolicited criticism of others' opinions might carry some degree of credibility.
B.S. in Comp Sci. with Hardware emphasis. C/C++, ASM, PHP, Unix system programming, Networking, some HTML, OO design, etc, and a good measure of tagnuttery and all.
Do I get a cookie now?
BTW, professor, straightforward is one word.
BTW, 'perplexing' can mean 'hard to use'.
This was my first post to this forum. I hope the type of condescending lecture I received as a first reply isn't a typical response.
See Leftie's post. This is why my response was harsh.
To be truthfull, I don't think there is a whole lot of competition out there. Pads are typically available only from technicians (who have a vested interest in not supplying diy'ers) or from suppliers (some, like Kraus, won't deal with those who aren't involved with an actual shop). is one exception, but like I said, their website is horrible (at least I think so). They have all sorts of pads and tools and even a few hard-to-find vintage replacement parts, but if I wanted to buy something from them, I'd certainly order their catalogue or call them personally to inquire.
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