Saxophone Forum

by saxophonegrl_alto_bari
(48 posts)
19 years ago

New to Jazz

I am starting Jazz band in 3 weeks. I play the Bari and I have played it for about 6 months. I have played the Alto for almost 2 years now. But I amplaying the Bari and for some reason my band teach. thinks that i am good. I think that I am okay. So I got an invite to play in the school Jazz band. I don't know much about Jazz and have no clue how to play it. I am going to be one of the lowest instruments as well as One of the youngest players. I will also be the ONLY bari Saxophone. so I need pointers. I need help on basically everything to with Jazz music. your help in much appreciated. Thax

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  1. by jamterry
    (573 posts)

    19 years ago

    Re: New to Jazz

    You will do just fine. The more you play, the better you get. Get that bari quackin'. :) Best of luck to you. You get your pointers at school. You know Eb riffs already from alto.

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  2. by rednecksax
    (24 posts)

    19 years ago

    Re: New to Jazz

    The thing that distinguishes jazz from other styles of music is the articulation and the style. Never in concert band would you play a marcato as a "dat" sound, but that is how it is played in jazz. once you learn the difference between concert band articulation and jazz band articulation, you will feel very comfortable playing jazz.

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