Otto Link 8 mouthpiece
I recently purchased an Otto Link True Tone mouthpiece, an 8, and I had a few questions that I was hoping someone could help with.
First, I used to play mouthpiece size 7, not sure the make, it came with the horn but served me well in the beginning. Anyway, on that mouthpiece I used Rico Jazz Select 3. Since I had nearly a full box left when I got the new mouthpiece I beagn to use these. It seems like I'm blowing my brains out to produce a good solid tone. But if I switch to a 2.5 I seem to squeak. What are you guys suggestions on reed strength with this mouthpiece? I found two reeds out of the box that played great yet they didn't last but a few practice sessions.
Second, Is anyone familiar with this mouthpiece? What can you guys tell me about it (like it, not like it...)?
Thanks a lot,
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