Saxophone Forum

by Black Orpheus
(23 posts)
19 years ago

Vandoren V16 Metal Tenor Sax Mouthpiece

I'm looking for a mouthpiece that will give me a more "meaty" sound. I play on a YTS-62 sax with a Morgan 6M mouthpiece and #3 Java reeds right now. I've been looking at this V16 mouthpiece and it looks like it has some great reviews, and sounds like it will make my tone a bit more meaty. Has anyone had good luck with these mouthpieces, and if so what is your setup? Can you reccommend a particular facing for me (I like the tip opening I have now but I'm willing to try something more open, and I've never used anything other than a medium facing, so I thought the T45 might be good for me). Thanks for the help.

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  1. by Black Orpheus
    (23 posts)

    19 years ago

    Re: Vandoren V16 Metal Tenor Sax Mouthpiece

    I'm especially looking to know what ligatures work well with it. Also, for around the same price, do you have any better moutpiece reccommendations?

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    1. by BariSaxplyr
      (35 posts)

      19 years ago

      Re: Vandoren V16 Metal Tenor Sax Mouthpiece

      hey man, I play a BARI WTII mouthpiece and it helped me kinda pull my sound a lot. It was thin and weak and now its a little brighter and stronger. For you, if you want the big full meatty sound, theres a few things you can try. A friend of mine played a V16 and eventually changed to a Berg Larsen 110/3. The 110 is the tip and berg larsen has different chamber baffle sizes from 0 (brightest) to 4 (fullest). They're cheaper than the V16, by about $100 so you can afford to try a bunch and pick the one you like. Dont forget about the otto links also. They're a bit duller in sound. The berg larsens though are really popular especially because you can pick your tip opening and facing check it out.

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