Saxophone Forum

by saxophonegrl_alto_bari
(48 posts)
19 years ago


any help on jazz? I NEED HELP!!!!!!!! I play the bari and i need mega help. dunno anything about Jazz on bari.

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  1. by Seano
    (132 posts)

    19 years ago

    Re: help

    Could be a little bit more specific on your question? Help on jazz is a very broad topic. Are you having trouble with improvisation, swing, what? Sean

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    1. by saxophonegrl_alto_bari
      (48 posts)

      19 years ago

      Re: help

      Well I need Help on about every thing that you think I should know.

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      1. by Sax Mom
        (964 posts)

        19 years ago

        Re: help

        If you need that much help, I would suggest asking the person who sits in the next chair. We can't hear what you're playing, or give suggestions on what changes to make at this point. On bari, especially if you're just starting out, concentrate first on the notes and rhythms that are written, and LISTEN, LISTEN, LISTEN as the band plays together. If the director hears something you should be doing differently, you'll hear about it. Just dive right in and work at it. Practice, and you'll catch on. Bari is not often given room for improvising, especially in a beginners Jazz band, if that's what you're in. If you really get stuck, ask the director for suggestions. Good luck!

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        1. by saxophonegrl_alto_bari
          (48 posts)

          19 years ago

          Re: help


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      2. by saxman0317
        (53 posts)

        19 years ago

        Re: help

        If u just need help in the area period, the style understanding the chords and different notation, look nito the Jamey Abersold series. Start with Maiden Voyage, then work your way up. It helps alot with that type of stuff and hes nice and rounded with his works

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      3. by kelsey
        (930 posts)

        19 years ago

        Re: help

        Find a teacher who understands Jazz. A teacher can save you lots of time. Make sure it's somebody who can play saxophone themselves and can demonstrate what they talk about. Listen to Jazz CDs for pleasure. If you don't enjoy listening to Jazz then I would try another hobby.........Kelsey
        Barry Kelsey

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