Saxophone Forum

by saxophonegrl_alto_bari
(48 posts)
19 years ago

dude-can you say PAIN??????

Hey is it normal for your lip to hurt realy bad after you play for a while? Like yesterday I played for loger than usual and most of the time I don't have a problem but my lip started hurting really bad. Normal or not normal

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  1. by Seano
    (132 posts)

    19 years ago

    Re: dude-can you say PAIN??????

    Well it depends on the level of pain you're in. If it's really bad, you should get it checked by a doctor. If it's bearable, its likely to be the muscles on your face growing tougher due to the embouchure that you make when playing sax. I notice that sometimes after my epic 6 hour sessions that my embouchure is absolutely killing me, but thats to be expected from the amount of time i spent. If this pain doesn't go away soon, consult both your doctor and your sax teacher or any qualified saxophone specialist. Sean

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  2. by saxman0317
    (53 posts)

    19 years ago

    Re: dude-can you say PAIN??????

    o is normal..dont worry Esp with bari, it can get to ya. I will regularly put in days with up to 10 hours of playing mostly bari or tenor, and that will kill. But, if u cant stand the pain, just play more and it will eventually get thye muscles in the jaw strong enough to handle it. its just like weightlifting or something, you need to get the muscles toned to the point where they can do the things u want them to no problem. If you have braces though, theres always going to be pain there, esp after getting the adjustged

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  3. by kelsey
    (930 posts)

    19 years ago

    Re: dude-can you say PAIN??????

    Sounds to me like you need to practice more. When you play a professional gig it means sometimes hardly taking the sax out of your mouth for 3 or 4 hours. If I haven't played for a while I have pain but I just play through it. I play flute and piano as well so my practiceing regiment requires 2 hours on each instrument at least 3 days a week. Playing music is my job so I try to play something every day. If I have an important gig coming up, I practice more on the instrument that I will be playing on that gig. A young player should practice at least an hour every day. To get better we all have to do it.....Practice makes perfect.........Kelsey
    Barry Kelsey

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