Saxophone Forum

by saxophonegrl_alto_bari
(48 posts)
19 years ago

Clenched Jaw?

I have noticed that lately I have been clenching my jaw when I play. and after just a while like 45 minutes and my jaw is kiiling me. I have noticed that i clench my jaw and am having a terrible time unclenching. Any Help?

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  1. by Sax Mom
    (964 posts)

    19 years ago

    Re: Clenched Jaw?

    Take a (short) break every 15 minutes, open your jaw as far as it goes, and massage the muscles just in front of and below the ear. In time, you'll get used to the technique of playing, and will no longer have the problem. You're muscles will develop so that you can have control without clenching. (That will also help the lip.)

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