Saxophone Forum

by saxophonegrl_alto_bari
(48 posts)
19 years ago

solo or Jazz

I posted this in Jazz and they said that i I shood put it in this one so I am. I have 2 things that i really want to do. There is this solo and ecomble thing that my school band does once a year and it is like really fun!! i did last year and loved it. But i also want to get in to my school Jazz band. Idon't think that i can do both because both of them take a lot of time and there are only 24 hours in a day. so what one should i do and/or how should i spend my time if i try for both?

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  1. by definition
    (963 posts)

    19 years ago

    Re: solo or Jazz

    solo and ensemble is a weekend thing you prepare a solo for correct? Many students I teach do both actually. They just have to be efficient in their practice time. Part of the time on the solo(and make you take it to your lessons for advice from your teacher, it helps!!) also make sure you spend time going over parts in the jazz music, so you can put them together with the band at practice. Same for concert band music. Lastly, I always tell my students when they dont think they can do it: I did it, so can they. I know others that did it when I was in school, and I have students that do it now. Its all just gonna go down to your practice efficiency. Good Luck!!

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