Saxophone Forum

by [email protected]
(18 posts)
19 years ago

C2, D2 key issues

Hi, I just bought a Buffet S1 alto and gave it a complete overhaul. I absolutely adore the instrument, except for two flaws: the D2 and E2 key are slightly fuzzy (I think this is due to the octave mechanism bouncing up) and the C2 is very fuzzy. I'm only getting maybe 1/2 the tone quality I want out of the note. This is the main problem; I think I can fix the D2 and E2. Does anyone know how this can be fixed? My tech said that some horns, including selmers, have a lot of trouble with C2 and that either I would have to learn to deal with it OR I could possibly have another key made to open the note up. What do you think? Please respond soon. Thank you very much.

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  1. by Sax Mom
    (964 posts)

    19 years ago

    Re: C2, D2 key issues

    I'm sorry, people use C2 in different ways. Do you mean the note on the second line above the staff? If so, does the note an octave lower also have a fuzzy problem? What do you mean, the octave mechanism bounces up? If the key height is too low, that would change the intonation as well, and raising the key could make the note go sharp. Some horns are just stuffy in some ranges, and little can be done. Try different mouthpiece and reed combinations also. That may help.

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    1. by johnsonfromwisconsin
      (767 posts)

      19 years ago

      Re: C2, D2 key issues

      First thing I'd check for is to make sure there's no buildup of whatnot in either octave vent. Second, for C2, I'd make sure the upper stack "slave" was sealing properly (the little cup above the right hand keys that closes when any of the three are pressed)

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