Saxophone Forum

by GzsKerqt
(77 posts)
19 years ago

is this common?

I've just noticed that whenever i play, G A B C are in tune. However once i play D it gets Very sharp. Followed by E which is still sharp but not as much. F and G are in tune again. And I'm playing a student alto yani-992. The funny thing is my D and E sounds richer than the others which are in tune. How can i make my D and E in tune? Must i keep changing my embrocure everytime i play this two notes?

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  1. by Sax Mom
    (964 posts)

    19 years ago

    Re: is this common?

    I would have a tech check it out--sometimes the key heights of the open tone holes (those below the notes you're playing) are set too high. This can affect intonation. Also, if the E and D keys aren't closing completely, that could also cause those notes to be sharp. A tech could check this out. Some saxophones, particularly sopranos, are known to be out of tune, but I haven't heard that about Yani's. Some people on this forum love them--I know nothing specific about them.

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    1. by definition
      (963 posts)

      19 years ago

      Re: is this common?

      You might want to seek the advice of a teacher on this one. And for the record, the 992 is not a student horn, thats why yanagisawa has the 901. the 992 is the pro horn

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      1. by GzsKerqt
        (77 posts)

        19 years ago

        Re: is this common?

        Its a pro?!? Whoa... that means all this time i was playing on a pro.. cool!!!! ok.. thanks.. i'll go get it checked... Thanks

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        1. by barisax999
          (400 posts)

          19 years ago

          Re: is this common?

          i hate to say it, but the D will always be out of tune as well as the E, it is in the design of the saxophone. no company can get it down. and i have always had intonation problems with yanis. they are great horns over all, but the altos are all over the place with intonation, thats my experience with them anyway. dont ever count on a horn to be in tune naturally. count on the horn to be consisntly out of tune. my vintage selmer has intonation that is pretty shotty. but i have the needle up and down because i know the tendencies on each note and adjust for each note

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        2. by Mlenox
          (36 posts)

          19 years ago

          Re: is this common?

          "Must i keep changing my embrocure everytime i play this two notes?" Yes and No Yes you need to be constantly changing to make up for the short comings of the horn. And all instruments have intonation issues. But don't think of it as changings your embrocure. Think of it as changing the your air and your soft pallete, throat, and small muscles that you can even feel. But you lips should not be tightening of loosening from note to note. Mostly just practice with a tuner, and always be listening to your self. If you can hear that you are out of tune you will start to fix what is wrong. There have also been a few discussion on mouthpiece excercises. They may help a lot with your intonation. Enjoy

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        3. by CountSpatula
          (602 posts)

          19 years ago

          Re: is this common?

          D is VERY sharp and it takes practice tuning it to get it where you do fix it by lipping it down a little automatically without thinking. Best note to tune on is either an F or F#...I forgot which one but they both work.

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      2. by moonpioneer
        (17 posts)

        19 years ago

        Re: is this common?

        i dont think its overly common BUT i have issues with my c c# d area in the way high range..differs by the horn .. but i agree moslty tuner work and use you earsand small muscles not yer lips !

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        1. by p-apple
          (49 posts)

          19 years ago

          Re: is this common?

          One tip that might help is to NOT tune every note perfectly. Don't get every note in tune except 2-3 notes which are off the chart.

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