Saxophone Forum

by maggie89
(37 posts)
19 years ago

reeds for jazz

hi, i play a conn 6m, with an otto link super tonemaster 6(metal) with vandoran java 3's and i'm finding that my upper register is somewhat muted,but i really love the sound and tone i get in the lower register and dont want to change my mouthpiece. have you any sugestions on reeds or ligatures thankx maggie89

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  1. by CountSpatula
    (602 posts)

    19 years ago

    Re: reeds for jazz

    Could be a bad reed? I play on vandoren javas all the time and they play loud at the top...but I do have a brancher because it seems to work well with my brancher mouthpieces, they're pretty good. my friends use Rico Royal jazz selects..

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  2. by nad1rn
    (37 posts)

    19 years ago

    Re: reeds for jazz

    Alexander Superials 3.5 or Vandoren ZZ's 3.5 also try a rovner ligature

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  3. by jamterry
    (573 posts)

    19 years ago

    Re: reeds for jazz

    Maggie do you know a store that will let you pick your reeds? If you can pick them, you have a better chance getting some good ones. Try a Vandoren traditional 2 1/2 and a La Voz medium. Ligatures are not a big deal; Your Otto Link ligature is fine. If your reed is too stiff for you, you will lose the vibrance and flexibility of your tone. If it is not stiff enough, it will close up under extreme pressure. Good luck with that :) Terry

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  4. by barisax999
    (400 posts)

    19 years ago

    Re: reeds for jazz

    you may try a V16 reed, they work well for me. also you may want to try an oleg lig. they work well up top. i dont know how they will fit the link with ridge on the top, i have never put one on a link. though i do see professionals using the stock lig most of the time on the links and can thrugh the altissimo rnage easily, so that may not be the problem

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  5. by Radjammin
    (255 posts)

    19 years ago

    Re: reeds for jazz

    Well I should be able to help. I played a Conn 6M for 8 years with a Jumbo Java and Java Reeds. I really don't like metal moutpieces, just a preference. I allway used 2.5 reeds, I personally hate 3's in Jazz. I have yet to play a horn I sound good on in Jazz with that size reed. I play 3's on Legit, but only if I am playing first part. Play 2.5 on second part. I just don't get that fat sound out of 3's. I spend all my time fighting the reed. In College/High School players get too caught up on thick reeds. I tend to play on a jazz reed for about 3 months(probaby too long, but I hate working on reeds), Vanoren case kept when I am not playing it. I don't play gigs(not by choice) so just practice and a few performances and jam sessions. So my suggestion is try 2.5 reeds, maybe not right out of the box but go through all the steps you would to get a reed ready like water cup, sealing the back and end, and checking the face for uneven with sandpaper. After that compare thouse reeds to 3s. I think you will like 2.5 better, ya they won't alast as long but you will have more enjoyment blowing on them, just be aware that they will sound thiner on the top end. I mentally focus the pitch down in the upper range, knowing it will go sharp. Just remember, just because the notes are high, they should still have a exact pitch focus. Don't loose track of the tone.

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    1. by maggie89
      (37 posts)

      19 years ago

      Re: reeds for jazz

      hi thnx fot the info. just one question is there a major difference between java and jumbo java. thnx maggie

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      1. by Radjammin
        (255 posts)

        19 years ago

        Re: reeds for jazz

        Jumob Java was the mouthpiece. It's a large Hard Rubber Mouthpiece made by Vandorean. Reeds are Java. The green box.

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        1. by maggie89
          (37 posts)

          19 years ago

          Re: reeds for jazz

          oh ok. thnx

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        2. by CountSpatula
          (602 posts)

          19 years ago

          Re: reeds for jazz

          but just so you know theres two vandoren mouthpieces....Vandoren Java and vandoren Jumbo java...Both loud, just java is not as bright and easier to play on in my opinion

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