Saxophone Forum

by simpleman
(10 posts)
19 years ago

Now's The Time

Does anyone know where I can find a transcription of Bird's solo on Now's the Time (Verve). I transcribed it and I want to check myself.

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  1. by definition
    (963 posts)

    19 years ago

    Re: Now's The Time

    check the omni book, Im pretty sure its in there but im too lazy to check at the moment

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    1. by MavisDavis
      (21 posts)

      19 years ago

      Re: Now's The Time

      It's definately in the Omnibook get it, it's amazing

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      1. by Stiles B
        (101 posts)

        19 years ago

        Re: Now's The Time

        Piling on here. Of course, every sax player should work hard at transcription, but the omnibook is as important to the jazz saxophonist as coffee and late night diners.

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        1. by golferguy675
          (600 posts)

          19 years ago

          Re: Now's The Time

          First of all, I'd like to say I think it's great that you're transcribing. Especially be bop, because it applies to so many jazz concepts. My question though, is what do you do once you've transcribed a solo? Why do you transcribe? The reason I ask is a lot of people will finish transcribing a solo, and move on to something else. While this still does help out your ears a lot, IMO where the real benenfit lies is analyzing the whole thing. Look at the rythm, the phrasing, note choices, and where all the chord tones fall. If you can do this, and eventually apply it to your own playing, then transcription is the best thing out there to improve your improvisation. If that's already what you're doing, then good for you. To answer the question about finding the transcribed solo, ditto on everyone else's responses; the Omnibook has just about every Parker solo. The only thing you may run into is you are transcribing a different recording than the one in the book, but if memory serves me right, there's more than one in the book.

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        2. by simpleman
          (10 posts)

          19 years ago

          Re: Now's The Time

          Transcribing Bird has increased the quality of my tone, first of all. I have been playing along with the recording trying to match tone, pitch, articulations, and all of his other little nuances. My improv skills have increased dramatically by just doing that. My next step is to analyze the solo. I want to see what notes he playes over what chords etc. Then, like you said, apply that to my own playing. A girl in my studio had a copy of the transcription, so I was able to get it from her. My biggest reason to not get the omnibook is that I think I would use it to "cheat." I think I wouldn't work as hard on the transcription before checking myself with the book.

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        3. by Stiles B
          (101 posts)

          19 years ago

          Re: Now's The Time

          Simpleman, I agree 100% with what you were saying. I had a sax instructor who used to have me play along with the recording so that I could get a handle on the phrasing and articulation that Bird was using so that I wasn't just playing the dots. I also liked to use it to work on my sight reading by playing the solos I wasn't that familiar with at tempo. I hate to admit that I'm not an expert on every Bird solo, but I guess nobody's perfect.

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        4. by jing24
          (31 posts)

          19 years ago

          Re: Now's The Time

          you have the song can you send it to me cause i've been looking for it for about a year now

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        5. by GregLauer
          (37 posts)

          19 years ago

          Re: Now's The Time

          go to a music store like sam ash or something and order the book its not hard to get a hold of. and its only like 15 bucks

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        6. by stutrane
          (15 posts)

          18 years ago

          Re: Now's The Time

          While we're on the omnibook, has anyone else noticed a few discrepancies between the written and recorded solos? I transcribed Moose the Mooche the other day, the same version as is in the Omnibook (I agree, the jazz bible, pretty much regardless of instrument) and after finishing, I checked my work against that in the book, and there's a few lines that seem to keep going where the recording stops. Has anyone else come up against this?

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        7. by Seano
          (132 posts)

          18 years ago

          Re: Now's The Time

          What disturbs me more is that there are constant discrepancies in the CHORD changes between the different transpositions of the books. No, I'm not referring to the fact that they're in a different key (duhhh) but there are different interpretations, mainly on things like tritone substitutions. this may be trivial, but the different versions of the book should be consistent. Sean

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