Saxophone Forum

by hightor
(6 posts)
17 years ago

A sharp 'piece?

I use two mouthpieces on my Yamaha 62 tenor, an old #9 Link Super Tone Master (probably an early Babbitt) and a J8 Babbitt Metal Jazz Supreme. Both have a .120" tip opening but the similarity ends there. They both make a good sound, I like the Link for pit band work and acoustic groups; I use the Babbitt Supreme in rock groups with a mike. But here's the thing - the Link plays in tune wound snugly onto the cork to within a half inch of the end, but when I use the Babbitt I have to ull the 'piece out until it's just barely stuck on the neck pipe, plus, I put a rubber O-ring around the neck joint to keep it about an eighth of an inch out. I have toi keep a roll of teflon tape in my case if I'm switching between them as the Link compresses the cork and leaves the Babbitt too loose. Is it common for mouthpieces to vary so much in placement? Does a small chamber and high baffle tend to sharpen the sound?

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  1. by newreedsyndrome
    (343 posts)

    17 years ago

    Re: A sharp 'piece?

    No two mouthpieces are the same, and there is often variety in the placment of mouthpiece, especially with a really big chamber, like a Link, versus a small rock chamber (which I didn't know Babbitt ever made). And yes, bright chambers tend to play sharp.

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  2. by newreedsyndrome
    (343 posts)

    17 years ago

    Re: A sharp 'piece?

    No two mouthpieces are the same, and there is often variety in the placment of mouthpiece, especially with a really big chamber, like a Link, versus a small rock chamber (which I didn't know Babbitt ever made). And yes, bright chambers tend to play sharp.

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