Saxophone Forum

by saxtribute
(11 posts)
17 years ago

What to choose.

I have done a lot of research on tenor jazz mouthpieces. I have come down to about five or six. The ones I'm trying right now are a Fred Rast (probably will buy this one) SR Tech Pro (good piece but a bit to difficult to control, might try a different reed) Peter Ponzol M1 (need to play some, I played a 2-5-1 which was really nice) Otto Link Super Tone Master NY (if I get an STM, I think I'll check out the Doc Tenney model) Otto Link Tone Edge (nice projection, is this one inconsistant like the metal tenors?) Are there any others I should try. I have heard many good things about Phil Barone, Jody Jazz, Morgan and RPC. Are the E. Rousseaus any good? What about the Vandoren V16? I have heard about a few other companies like Springer and Zagar but don't much about those. What will work for a good jazz sound?

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  1. by saxismyaxe
    (575 posts)

    17 years ago

    Re: What to choose.

    This isn't the kind of question that can be properly answered over an Internet forum. All the mouthpieces you have listed will do the job nicely, however selecting a mouthpiece is like buying a pair of shoes; the only way to get a perfect fit is to try them all out, and see which one fits the best FOR YOU. Your personal preferences, sound ideal, horn, experience level etc. all play into which one will be the most appropriate selection. Not only between makes/models, but between any given selection with each individual model MP. Although not as cut and dry an answer as you were hoping for, it is in fact the most truthful one, as any experienced horn player will concur. Best of luck.

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  2. by saxismyaxe
    (575 posts)

    17 years ago

    Re: What to choose.

    This isn't the kind of question that can be properly answered over an Internet forum. All the mouthpieces you have listed will do the job nicely, however selecting a mouthpiece is like buying a pair of shoes; the only way to get a perfect fit is to try them all out, and see which one fits the best FOR YOU. Your personal preferences, sound ideal, horn, experience level etc. all play into which one will be the most appropriate selection. Not only between makes/models, but between any given selection with each individual model MP. Although not as cut and dry an answer as you were hoping for, it is in fact the most truthful one, as any experienced horn player will concur. Best of luck.

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  3. by Donnie The B
    (282 posts)

    17 years ago

    Re: What to choose.

    Greetings. I got to try a friend's Fred Rast hard rubber mouthpiece and thought it was superb. I bought a Patrick Springer for half the money, however, and can't tell the difference. I e-mailed Mr. Springer (thru his website at to find out which model I should try. I told him who I was, what I played, what mouthpieces I was used to and he nailed a perfect recommendation. What a nice bit of personal service. I also have a Phil Barone New York 7 metal piece for cutting above wailing guitars in an oldies rock band, but prefer the rubber pieces I own usually. It's best to try mouthpieces before you buy - I got lucky with the Springer mouthpiece. Good Luck.

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