Saxophone Forum

by syrasax
(75 posts)
17 years ago

Do reeds get old?

I've purchased different kinds of reeds over the years to try them out. I've always stored them in a dry, cool place. The ones I haven't used, how long should they last?

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  1. by mjohnnie
    (66 posts)

    17 years ago

    Re: Do reeds get old?

    I've used reeds that are 20+ years old. I don't think they have a freshness date. YMMV

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    1. by swingstreet
      (315 posts)

      17 years ago

      Re: Do reeds get old?

      Yes, I've used old reeds as well. They get old after lots of use however.

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      1. by Linky
        (26 posts)

        17 years ago

        Re: Do reeds get old?

        they also get 'old' with time :p reeds don't date out. they wear out. use them, they will eventually go duff. Don't use them and store them properly they'll be brand spanking new. So the secret to anti-aging? stop breathing, moving and everything. Though even this isn't anti-aging it's just stopping aging process temporarily.

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