Saxophone Forum

by gardenshed
(20 posts)
19 years ago

CHEATING - (the confessional)

In the woodshed today. Doing the usual rounds. I'm tapping out the rhythm to 'I get a Kick.' on the coffee table, prior to giving my appalling improv another outing. Pick up the horn. And carry on tapping out the rhythm on the keys. Start blowing and waddya know? As long as I stick to the 3 chord trick, I'm improvising. Not only that, but if I do slip out of 3 chord safety, if I then repeat the mistake, preferably twice, and on the beat, I'm imrovising even better. By my deplorable standards, anyway. Is there any hope for me? Or is everyone doing it? Cheating, I mean. Come on, no-one will ever know.

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  1. by kneejerk52
    (397 posts)

    19 years ago

    Re: CHEATING - (the confessional)

    well rob not many will ever admit to cheating even if challanged just will lie and say that's the way they heard it. does anyone ever screw up if in the end you made it work on time? or are you just considered creative. kinda like the time in fifth grade when i played in front of the whole school, Acker Bilks , "stranger on the shore", and because i was so nervous my finger created a trill not in the song so of course that's the part all my friends thought was so great. so was it a mistake?

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    1. by gardenshed
      (20 posts)

      19 years ago

      Re: CHEATING - (the confessional)

      Just how high up does this go? Never trust a tenor player, eh? But what else are people up to? The only other one I've had time to discover is using blutak as a replacement octave pad.

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      1. by connsaxman_jim
        (2336 posts)

        19 years ago

        Re: CHEATING - (the confessional)

        Cheating...we all do it. Sometimes we refer to it as "simplifying". Sometimes we do it because the guitar player can't find the right chord! Try to learn the song correctly, but part of improvising is learning how to "fake it" and make it sound good! Especially if you do a lot of sit-in's like I do, this is something you're going to need to do often.

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        1. by gardenshed
          (20 posts)

          19 years ago

          Re: CHEATING - (the confessional)

          I knew it. The 'Cheating' theory about the origins that is. Cheating and making creative use of mistakes. that must be where swing comes from. You're an utrained black musician having to work alongside classically trained creole musicians in the first years of Jim Crow. I mean, what would you do?

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        2. by connsaxman_jim
          (2336 posts)

          19 years ago

          Re: CHEATING - (the confessional)

          I mean, what would you do? The answer is simple....LISTEN! Listen to the chord progression and the patterns. You don't necessarily have to know the song, just know the pattern. Ever listen to a song and think...hmm, this sounds a lot like another song I know? Just find the groove and follow the progression.

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