Saxophone Forum

by swimgurl1019
(7 posts)
19 years ago

teaching sax

I recently acquired a job teaching a 3rd grader saxophone. he has been playing for about 6-7 months. he took lessons with a senior at my school, and i "inherited" the student. i know they worked on some scales and everything. i figure i can use the rubank intermediate and advanced method books, but after i get through those, where do i go?

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  1. by Sax_Shark
    (134 posts)

    19 years ago

    Re: teaching sax

    *Inherited*, great.... Try a book by the title of Essential Elements. If you think its too easy then try Essential Technique. They're pretty good solo but even better with an experienced player. If those are still to easy then try Symphonic Band Technique. That's a book that he can grow with. It has excercises that are challenging but others that are for the begginner. Added bonus, all of the major and minor scales (plus chromatic) are listed in this book. Hope this helps!

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