Saxophone Forum

by bandgeek
(11 posts)
18 years ago

Cleanin my bari

hi! I have a cannonball bari, its black nickel plated. I'm constantly shining it and cleaning it so it looks nice (cuz its soo pretty!) but its a pain in the butt to get the spit stains off, and im never sure what to use that won't hurt the finish. Usually, i sit and scrub till its clean but that can't be good either. Any suggestions?? thanks much!

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  1. by Radjammin
    (255 posts)

    18 years ago

    Re: Cleanin my bari

    I have the same finish, with silver keys (not sure if you have this finish or the Raven with the black keys) But I can never get the silver key Clean. They get these dark smudges on them, esp the 3 on the side High E,Alt C,Bb keys. I bought it used and the Thumb Rest looks similar but worse. Is it just the top layer of the Silver Wearing off? Maybe I am seeing the next coating? Overall, I am the say way. It's so freakin Pretty!!! I love my new sax. My old sax was a 6M 1949 Conn. no laquer left on it. Lovely sound, but not lovely.

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