Saxophone Forum

by reedrage
(21 posts)
18 years ago

email escrow fraud

On ebay,last week, a 1949 Selmer tenor was put up for auction.The seller said,"since I need a quick sale email me for the reserve price.When a buyer did that a message came back,"$2100 is my lowest price" "Business has called me away to the U.K. so we can only do this deal through an online escrow service.Also here are some pictures of the instrument."An online escrow service accepts the money and holds it until the buyer receives the item and signs off on it .He has a two week period then the funds are dispersed.Sounds safe? One such service is called Moneybrokers and is based out of England.The problem is who knows how this company operates. Greed taking hold for a good deal, scads of buyers send their money to buy the same horn,if even a horn exists This company may not know what is going on and the crooks somehow divert the funds.Google "on line escrow fraud" and you will see the scammers have created their own realistic web sites. My thanks to my good friend Jason Dumars for alerting me to this fraud.Fish that I am,I was about to bite.As he pointed out "even the most rural pawnbroker knows thet a primo Selmer worth twice what this guy was asking."

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