Saxophone Forum

by saxmasterfunk
(18 posts)
18 years ago

New Band, New sax?

Im trying out for the top band at my high school. i was thinking that i might want a new sax. Any suggestions?

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  1. by Sax Mom
    (964 posts)

    18 years ago

    Re: New Band, New sax?

    What's wrong with what you have?

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    1. by woutanh
      (19 posts)

      18 years ago

      Re: New Band, New sax?

      ah... yes the eternal question, ( i'm battleing with it myself as we i type, rather...) "should i get a new sax." i got into the top band at my high school on my student horn, when it was working fine. hence "sax mom's" first response. if there arn't any major problems with your horn, then it may not be worth the $2000-$4000 to buy another horn then the next question. are you planning to play outside of high school? if you find that you are having some major problems with your student horn, theni agrtee wholeheartedly that you may want a new horn. ( my situation.) if you find that you are willing to pay a lot of money for a new horn, then i agree sympathetically that you could get a new horn. ( my situation) and if you are planning to be playing a lot over the next few years and out of high school ( perhaps in a community band) then i agree completely that you definitly need a new horn. and seeing as how i've just typed a huge long entry ( becasue i'm a bit of a talker, ) then i'll let you think about ....stuff. happy playing with out an H

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      1. by chiamac
        (586 posts)

        18 years ago

        Re: New Band, New sax?

        "if there arn't any major problems with your horn, then it may not be worth the $2000-$4000 to buy another horn" that's a lot of your parents money.

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    2. by saxmasterfunk
      (18 posts)

      18 years ago

      Re: New Band, New sax?

      Yah, ill think over that "stuff", and it probably would be my money.

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      1. by woutanh
        (19 posts)

        18 years ago

        Re: New Band, New sax?'s so descriptive a thought.... you could get some money on a trade of your student horn.... however the student horn is good to keep around for marching, or anything outside where there is a chance of rain... me, if i had the money i'd keep my student horn. but if i every go marching, i'll borrow ( more like swipe) my band director's alto... which is in a highy suspect condition anyway. just a thought. woutanh

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