If you have an instrument to sell and don't want to bother with the hassle of dealing with a long distance buyer over the Internet, we recommend considering a consignment sale with Saxquest.com. Saxquest has established itself as the premier music instrument dealer specializing in vintage saxophones. Saxquest has a huge store front with a full service repair shop and boasts both online and offline contacts throughout the world. As a result, Saxquest has a very good market for your saxophone.
Consigning with Saxquest is simple and easy!
- First, their consignment fee is only 10%. This is by far the best in the industry!
- To start, you'll fill out a consignment form. On this form you and Saxquest will establish the best selling price.
- You'll receive a confirmation email that will provide you with shipping instructions and you'll then send your instrument to Saxquest (this is your only cost.)
- If at any time you want your horn back, simply ask and we'll have it shipped back to you immediately with absolutely no cancellation fee.
Consign With Saxquest