Saxophone Forum

by saxophone2001
(31 posts)
18 years ago

Vandoren ZZ reeds, crap or good?

Hey everyone! I just purchased two Vandoren ZZ reeds (3 1/2 strength) and I find them to be a bit too whiny on my sax. I usually play 3 1/2 Rico Royals on a Selmer 4C* Mouthpiece (Getting a Meyer this week! YES!) Any recommendations? Or are the Vandoren Jazz reeds just s***?

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  1. by thelittlemarchingone
    (50 posts)

    18 years ago

    Re: Vandoren ZZ reeds, crap or good?

    I love the Vandoren Jazz reeds, I think they beat Rico Royals by far. It may just be that they dont work well with your 4C* Selmer piece. Wiat until you get your Meyer and try them with that piece... I'll bet you'll like them a lot more when you have a better mouthpiece!:) Good luck!

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    1. by Firk
      (31 posts)

      18 years ago

      Re: Vandoren ZZ reeds, crap or good?

      something to keep in mind: vandoren reeds are typically stiffer than most other brands. a 3.5 vandoren might be what would be a 3.75 rico royal(not possitive on accuracy). so it might be of interest to try and zz 3. i would suggest it even more if your meyer mouthpiece will have a larger tip openning than your C*(which i presume it will). food for thought my opinion: i love zz's ~Firk

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  2. by barisax999
    (400 posts)

    18 years ago

    Re: Vandoren ZZ reeds, crap or good?

    one of the problems may be is that mothpiece isnt designed for jazz reeds. the heart is placed differently on a jazz reed and so that they will play better with the shape of a jazz piece. im not a fan overall of ZZ's. i prefere v16's. however, on bari, i play nothing else for jazz. thats vandorens only jazz cut for bari and i really dig it.

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  3. by The Insomniac Saxman
    (141 posts)

    18 years ago

    Re: Vandoren ZZ reeds, crap or good?

    Personally, I'm a big fan of ZZs (I use them on my vintage Dukoff tenor mpc for straight ahead, and use them on my Beechler alto mpc for fusion) . . . that being said, you need to experiment to find the optimal reed type for each mouthpiece you have (every player is different and has different tastes in sound, response, etc.). Your C* is a legit mouthpiece, and is designed for a reed with much more body to it, such as a blue box Vandoren (which is probably why Rico Royals work well with it). I first played ZZs on my Meyer alto mpc and loved them, but now I play blue box on that same Meyer . . . again, it's all personal preference. It's not a question of whether or not the reeds are good . . . it's a question of if they are the right reed for your mouthpiece. I never thought I'd be playing on Plasticovers again, but they happen to be the right reed for my Guardala Crescent . . .

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    1. by Seano
      (132 posts)

      18 years ago

      Re: Vandoren ZZ reeds, crap or good?

      I don't like ZZs personally, but I know great players who like them. I use Java 3.5s on a rubber Link 6, which satisfies me (I used to use a Guardala crescent, waaaay too shrill). I agree with Insomniac, do some experimenting. Once you get your mouthpiece, try ZZs, Rico Royal, Java, Blue Box vandorens and maybe V16s (I don't like V16s either) Personally, i'd recomend giving Javas a shot. But everyones different. Good luck Sean

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      1. by saxophone2001
        (31 posts)

        18 years ago

        Re: Vandoren ZZ reeds, crap or good?

        Hey everyone! I got the Meyer 7. The ZZ reeds are now GREAT on it! I guess it is purely the mouthpiece! Thanks for all the advice!

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    2. by Richardhgottlieb
      (1 post)

      8 years ago

      Re: Vandoren ZZ reeds, crap or good?

      When I first tried these reeds on my bari with my C* i was dissapointed with how they sounded. They sounded weak and very airy but after using them more i realized that with a rolled out bottom lip, puffed cheeks and stronger air,that they are very responsive and not growly but a bubbly tone for lack of a better term. I used them in a concert band they sound great but playing quietly with a good tone is impossible for me. Id definitely recommend them to anyone playing jazz or loud concert band music.

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