Saxophone Forum

by bertiebertSAX
(8 posts)
18 years ago

MOUTHPEICE FOR 14 yr old JAZZ Player

Hey i know many people ask about mouthpeices, but here goes.....i am 14 and i have played Alto Sax since i was 8. I have good control and tone. I play on a student Yamaha YAS-275 Horn. i currently have a standerd 4c mouthpeice on size 3 vandoren Java Reeds. I want a better Jazz Tone and feel, my teacher says i have an extreamly good tone for my age. But i want better! So what would be either a good mouthpeice or a good setup? Cheers Chris

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  1. by saxtribute
    (11 posts)

    18 years ago

    Re: MOUTHPEICE FOR 14 yr old JAZZ Player

    realize that Phil Barone mouthpiece cost upwards of $400. Being only 14, I wouldn't spend over $150. A good mouthpiece to try is the meyer 5. I know you already played it, but go back the music store and try playing it again only on a Java 2. I think you'll be amazed of the difference.

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  2. by newreedsyndrome
    (343 posts)

    18 years ago

    Re: MOUTHPEICE FOR 14 yr old JAZZ Player

    Have you tried any mouthpieces? You should go to your local music store and ask to play some, so you can get a good idea of their feel and sound. But I would recommend Meyers and Otto Links (probably rubber for alto or metal for tenor, but try both).

    Reply To Post

    1. by bertiebertSAX
      (8 posts)

      18 years ago

      Re: MOUTHPEICE FOR 14 yr old JAZZ Player

      I havent Tried any yet but will Do! and what size facing and stuff do u reccomend? Or just try what i can? Cause to be honest i have kno idea where to start! Thanks For your advice, Cheers

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      1. by Seano
        (132 posts)

        18 years ago

        Re: MOUTHPEICE FOR 14 yr old JAZZ Player

        Try as many mouthpieces in as many facings as you can. If you can, try out some Links and Meyers in a range of facings. You may find it hard to play on larger tip openings because you have been playing on a 4C. Good Luck

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        1. by brecker|turrentine
          (11 posts)

          18 years ago

          Re: MOUTHPEICE FOR 14 yr old JAZZ Player

          i would go with the vandoren T75 java rubber mouthpiece, simply because most band directors and other music teachers first recomend the myer, and at first you'll be amazed that you can make your sound twice as loud and do a little more with intonation and your sound but if you try the vandoren you would never believe that you thought the myer was good. Also Trying moupieces is a EXTREMELY good way to find whats right for you, the only problem i had when I tried to do that was that no local music stores carried anything good and most moupiece renting sites required a downpayment. so if i were you i would go with something that I know would work and would most deffinantly fit you well wich would be the vandoren. best of luck and happy holidays, Troy

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        2. by MarkLavelle
          (300 posts)

          18 years ago

          Re: MOUTHPEICE FOR 14 yr old JAZZ Player

          Ummm . . . the Java T75 is a *tenor* mouthpiece (and even if we were talking tenor that would be a huge jump in tip opening from a Yamaha 4C)! On the other hand, I do agree that a Vandoren Java would be a great choice. I'd just be careful not to go for too big a jump in tip opening size. I'd shoot for 10-20% more, but maybe an alto player can chip in here and be more specific.

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        3. by bertiebertSAX
          (8 posts)

          18 years ago

          Re: MOUTHPEICE FOR 14 yr old JAZZ Player

          Oh ok, so i was thinking a vandoren but i would like a rough sizing to try cause i dont kno what would work and i live in country australia(Orange NSW), and my local music store doesnt have a huge array of mouthpeices so rough sizes to try would be good Cheers!

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        4. by CountSpatula
          (602 posts)

          18 years ago

          Re: MOUTHPEICE FOR 14 yr old JAZZ Player

          A35 Java mouthpiece shouldn't be too hard of a switch..Just make sure its not the Jumbo Java...

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      2. by newreedsyndrome
        (343 posts)

        18 years ago

        Re: MOUTHPEICE FOR 14 yr old JAZZ Player

        Yeah, I don't like the Jumbo Javas for jazz (they make nice R&B/rock/funk mouthpieces, though). As a matter of fact, I forgot to mention the vandoren V16 mouthpieces. I heard great things about them. Java and Jumbo Java mpcs are pretty bright, so be careful of those (unless you WANT to have a bright to blinding sound, and that's not necesarily a bad thing).

        Reply To Post

        1. by bertiebertSAX
          (8 posts)

          18 years ago

          Re: MOUTHPEICE FOR 14 yr old JAZZ Player

          Ok I wanted a fairly bright sound....I went to my local music store today to test mouthpeices, they had only 2! They were an Otto LinkRubber 8* and a Meyer5*. I didnt like either off them! Although the Meyer had quite nice projection.

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          1. by brecker|turrentine
            (11 posts)

            18 years ago

            Re: MOUTHPEICE FOR 14 yr old JAZZ Player

            sorry for the last comment, i thought you were talking about a tenor. The way I look at it is for a tenor myer mouthpieces are HS hence the reason a vandoren would be good, but if it's for an alto myer is the perfect mouthpiece. The funny thing is I just got off the phone with phil Barone (who is an amazing guy and helped me ALOT) because I purchased a moupiece today and we happened to get into a conversation about tip openings, and what he said is that the difference between a 5 and a 5* is 500th of a centimeter (I hope I remembered that correctly) so going from a 4c to a 5* might be a little weird at first but you should quickly be able to get locked in with it. If your still not sure what you should really do is e-mail phil and or call him because he doesnt focus on selling you his mouthpieces, he focuses on selling something that will fit you and help you most ( PLUS HE STUDIED WITH MICHAEL BRECKER!). Hope this helps , Troy

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            1. by bertiebertSAX
              (8 posts)

              18 years ago

              Re: MOUTHPEICE FOR 14 yr old JAZZ Player

              yeah i am going to sydney to test out a few more mouthpeices so i can get a broader knowledge of this and then purchase a good mouthpeice!! and could u give me this guys email i think he will be a hell of alot of help!!!! Cheers

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            2. by brecker|turrentine
              (11 posts)

              18 years ago

              Re: MOUTHPEICE FOR 14 yr old JAZZ Player

              Reply To Post AIM

            3. by Seano
              (132 posts)

              18 years ago

              Re: MOUTHPEICE FOR 14 yr old JAZZ Player

              Though people are recommending that you don't make a large tip opening adjustment (for example buying an open mouthpiece when you have learnt on a 4C), don't dismiss the larger tip openings. I played an Otto Link 6 for months until a few weeks ago I purchased an Otto Link 10. I had no trouble adjusting to the tip opening, contrary to popular belief. I never thought I could play on one of those, but I am happy with the sound. due to the amount of time you've played sax, you would have a developed embouchure and you may like the more open mouthpieces. So give them a try, in my opinion. good luck on your quest. (By the way, I am not recommending that you try an Otto Link 10, I am merely suggesting to try the larger tip openings) Sean

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