Saxophone Forum

by MarkLavelle
(300 posts)
18 years ago

Checking facing?

I have an Otto link NY (metal) tenor mouthpiece that I suspect is just a *little* off in the facing department. Does one have to pay to have the facing checked? I'm also curious how much a typical refacing costs, and if anyone in the S.F.Bay area is known to be good at it...

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  1. by mjohnnie
    (66 posts)

    18 years ago

    Re: Checking facing?

    Here's a link: Good luck.

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    1. by CountSpatula
      (602 posts)

      18 years ago

      Re: Checking facing?

      Yup, Mojo and Ed Zentera are great at this stuff...

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      1. by MarkLavelle
        (300 posts)

        18 years ago

        Re: Checking facing?

        OK, I've sent Ed Z. an email, but I'm still hoping to hear about anybody in the S.F.Bay area. I really like to do this kind of biz in person...

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        1. by MarkLavelle
          (300 posts)

          18 years ago

          An easy way to checking the table.

          Ed Z. asked me to check the table by the sound it makes when placing it on glass, but I didn't have any other metal mouthpieces to compare with and wasn't really sure. So I came up with my own test that is the same for any material or weight: 1. put several drops of water on the glass 2. push the table of the mpc down into the water (firmly) 3. lift the mpc straight up 4. if the glass doesn't lift too, you've got a bad table My Otto Link NY failed this, but both of my Vandoren rubber pieces passed with flying colors. It only tests the table area, but between this and the reed suction test (especially with softer reeds) you can get a pretty good indication with no special tools...

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