lerois stuff is somewhat difficult, but not impossible. he is very comfortable in the lower altissimo. he plays inside and outside the key sig.
the thing is that one's improv is difficult for another to mimic. my improv is easy to me, but is hard for others to grasp, typically. its just the way he thinks is so much different than others. what looks difficult on paper he just does. when u don't get hung up w/ paper, harder stuff seems easier, cuz ur creating it. u don't have to worry about sounding like something, or whether or not ur playing it right. and he messes up in concert, u just can't tell. if u mess up and r hesitant, then people know. but if u mess up and really play it, then people accept that as truth.
leroi is crazy good. he really is the original of that genre. enjoy the DMB. 8-4-04 baby. antioch TN. its gonna be sweet
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