New To Repairing - Help with installing pads?
Hey Everyone,
I've just started training in repair at work here in Brisbane. I'm beginning to get the art of putting pads into the instrument, but I just can't seem to keep my pads in adjustment after I get them to sit in - and it's driving me crazy. I use brown shellac, and I can't really use glue here so don't tell me to swap to that, the other repairers hate glue, and after cleaning out a few saxes I don't really think I like glue either. I've managed to make sure all of my leaks seem to be at the front of the tone hole - better than the back right? The guys training me will now allow any leaks, and I really think it's the right attitude, but they are extremely cryptic about everything. Is it really all about Wax on and Wax off and then you figure it out? or is there something I am seriously missing? Does anyone have any good reading material that they can recommend to me?
This is also really annoying when I have a pad which seems perfect even after a night long clamp, and then a day later I find a leak there.
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