Saxophone Forum

by Osiris
(1 post)
11 years ago

I am fresh off the boat and eager to learn.

Hello, my names Charles. I'm 18 and have always had the strongest interest in music, pertaining woodwinds, brass, but mainly the saxophone. Jazz seems like this is where I need to be, listening to random jazz on the music channels on my tv has brought my high school dream above ground to the surface and gave me enough guts to actually ask for one for Christmas. Ever since I asked, I have studied constantly on the embouchure, sheet music (if necessary I'm very new about all this.), and just looking into good brands. I'm pretty much stuck with getting any one my Uncle decides but I'm still very greatful. If there is any adive on tools, cleaning, finger placement, and just all around reading sheet music and learning to tell a pitch from sound. I want to make Jazz my focus of life, I don't really have anything I want anymore. I did vocal work from 10 until 18 and just lost touch, and what always stayed was jazz and classical. I would be very interested in hearing things from people who actually have the passion and knowledge for it, thank you for your help.

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  1. by birdlover
    (43 posts)

    11 years ago

    Re: I am fresh off the boat and eager to learn.

    You might start with these books, the Universal Saxophone Method by Paul De Ville, and The Art of Saxophone Playing by Larry Teal. However I strongly suggest you find a teacher, and not try to teach yourself how to play.

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  2. by GFC
    (842 posts)

    11 years ago

    Re: I am fresh off the boat and eager to learn.

    Your Uncle doesn't have to break the bank to get you a good horn to learn on.  Used Yamaha 23s are ubiquitous and can go for about $500 in good condition.  You can get a used Bundy I for even less.  But remember, with used horns condition is everything and some costs for play conditioning shoule be anticipated.  Antigua and Jupiter are currently producing good Taiwanese student models that go for about a grand if he's not into the complexities of the used market. They're pretty common in music stores.   Kessler has some student horns in that range too at their online store.

    If you're looking for pointers and tips for everything from basic tone  production to practice routines to jazz improvisation, here's a link to a good site.

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  3. by kelsey
    (930 posts)

    11 years ago

    Re: I am fresh off the boat and eager to learn.

    In the beginning the most important thing to have is any sax in good working order. (you should rent) Next would be a good teacher. Trying to learn on your own is too slow a process. A teacher will save you loads of time. Get the sax, then get the teacher, then work hard, then decide if saxophone is important enough to "make Jazz the focus" of your life. Cheers!

    Barry Kelsey

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