Saxophone Forum

by Blake_Thiel
(8 posts)
9 years ago

Bari saxophone tips and mouthpiece suggestions.

HI! I might have an oppurtunity to play bari saxophone for my local junior college jazz band. I'm originally an alto player and I've recently switched to tenor but I've never played bari before so if I could get any tips on emboucher, tone, air, or anything playing related I would greatly appreciate it. Also I was wondering what mouthpieces I might like. On alto I play a Meyer 6M and tenor a Metal Berg 120/1. With that in mind what are some mouthpieces i should consider if I do start playing bari.

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  1. by JonHuff
    (121 posts)

    9 years ago

    Re: Bari saxophone tips and mouthpiece suggestions.

    Bergs are good on bari, if you play that on tenor you might find you like it on bari too. Not much different going to it, other than it is bigger. More mouthpiece in your mouth, more air, etc, a similar difference when going from alto to tenor as from tenor to bari. Good luck with it!

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