Saxophone Forum

by bariguy
(25 posts)
20 years ago

Keilwerth Tenor Saxes

Hey what does everyone think of Keilwerth tenor and bari saxes. I have been playing a couf superba 1 bari for two years now and i love it. i have recently started playing tenor for my jazz band also a couf superba 1. Personaly i think they are better than the new SX90r's. what do all of you think?

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  1. by Spike
    (248 posts)

    20 years ago

    Re: Keilwerth Tenor Saxes

    i love the couf bari, but prefer the sx90r tenor...

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  2. by jazzsaxman1988
    (2 posts)

    20 years ago

    Re: Keilwerth Tenor Saxes

    the SX90R's are not as good as the SX90's, in my opinion. Keilwerth horns are absolutely amazing! I play a Couf soprano, and that is a good horn too, but the keilwerths are nicer.

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