Re: Mark VI Help
Dont narrow your choices to only a Mark VI. If you want to go vintage like the VI, also be sure to check out the Conn 10M, the King Zephyr, the King Super 20, "The Martn", Buescher True Tone, Buescher Aristocrat, and the Buescher 400/Top Hat and Cane. All of those are also quite 'legendary' and some players (Myself and others on this forum) prefer them.
Also, dont ever count out the new horns. Try looking at Kielwerth, Selmer, Yamaha, and Yanagisawa. (The big Four)
Also other horns that are great you dont want to count out are the jupiters, cannonball big bell global series, coufs, B&S (Medusa), Rampone &Cazzani, Amtigua, and Unison. Plus some of the Vintage stencil horns are also great, like the Pan American, a Conn Stencil.
I will tell you, For me a VI didnt do it. I've had 3 over time, and My King Super 20 Silversonic played circles around them!
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