Saxophone Forum

by TopTenTenors
(1 post)
9 years ago

Mark VI 1969

Hi guys!

I finally wandered over from Sax on the web (It's blocked at work, and this isn't) and realized that you guys may be able to help me a bit more than they can on a vintage horn

I recently came across a CHEAP (Sub 500$ US) Selmer Mark VI serial 165*** from '69.  My current horn is a Newer Yamaha Custom Z with the G1 neck.  Obviously Im going to buy the Mark VI, even just to pass it on, and make a few bucks.  But would I be wise to invest some money into restoring it and using it myself?  Sadly, I have not (And cannot) play the horn until I buy it.   

I know the general consensus is that the later (Mid sixties and on) Mark VI's started to lose what the earlier ones had.  But generally, on a average, would 165*** Mark VI be better than my early Custom Z?

Thanks In advance:

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  1. by Saxquest
    (420 posts)

    9 years ago

    Re: Mark VI 1969

    Welcome to! First of all, at under $500 you definitely just buy the sax! Its worth more than that as a parts horn. So thats a no brainer. As for restoring it, I say YES go for it. At the price you're getting into it for, you'll still be way under the money after putting in around $1000 for a professional restoration. 

    I would not be too concerned about serial numbers. At 165xxx it could still be a monster tenor. I've played some in the 150xxx-170xxx range that blew every bit as good as great 5-digit. You won't be able to adequately compare it to your Yamaha until its restored and the restoration adds value to the sax if you decide to sell it.

    Let me know if you're interested in having Saxquest take a look at it. I would be happy to give some quick advise by looking at some photos. You can email them to me or post them here in the forum. Best of Luck!!

         Mark Overton  

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