Mark VI 1969
Hi guys!
I finally wandered over from Sax on the web (It's blocked at work, and this isn't) and realized that you guys may be able to help me a bit more than they can on a vintage horn
I recently came across a CHEAP (Sub 500$ US) Selmer Mark VI serial 165*** from '69. My current horn is a Newer Yamaha Custom Z with the G1 neck. Obviously Im going to buy the Mark VI, even just to pass it on, and make a few bucks. But would I be wise to invest some money into restoring it and using it myself? Sadly, I have not (And cannot) play the horn until I buy it.
I know the general consensus is that the later (Mid sixties and on) Mark VI's started to lose what the earlier ones had. But generally, on a average, would 165*** Mark VI be better than my early Custom Z?
Thanks In advance:
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